McComb Community Collaborative for Early Learning Success
The McComb Community Collaborative for Early Learning Success has three sites: Kennedy Early Childhood Center, Christian Community Learning Center, and Pearl River Valley Opportunity Head Start. It has served 1,931 four-year-olds since its founding in 2014.
Number of Classrooms in ELC
Students Served in 2022-2023
Number of Sites in ELC
“The partnership with Head Start classes are key to leveling the learning field for all scholars. The standards are the same for public schools and Head Start. Expectation of mastery of all high-quality standards for all scholars, with appropriate support, provides equitable opportunities for a quality educational foundation for all scholars.”
— Betty Wilson-McSwain, Federal Programs Director

Do you have a four-year-old
in McComb?
Enroll them in the McComb Community Collaborative for Early Learning Success.

Want to receive an individual
tax credit?
Learn how to get a tax credit and support the
McComb Community Collaborative for Early Learning Success.
About Early Learning Collaboratives
Early learning collaboratives (ELCs) are comprised of school districts, local Head Starts, child care centers, and/or private or parochial schools. Collaboratives offer a high-quality, low- or no-cost pre-K option to families in Mississippi. ELCs are funded through state funds and local matching funds and are overseen by the Mississippi Department of Education.
Learn more about how we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the ELCs.

We know that kids who attend high-quality pre-K:
Enter kindergarten with stronger literacy, language, math, and social-emotional skills
Are less likely to need special education services, less likely to repeat grades, and more likely to graduate and enroll in college
See stronger employment opportunities and increased earning potential
Are less likely to commit juvenile and adult crimes