Ambition Prep
“Our work in education is urgent. We will change the current trajectory of our students. All students can learn no matter the circumstance. All students can and will succeed with best practices and systems in place.”
Founder and Executive Director DeArchie Scott
Ambition Prep is located in Jackson, Mississippi.
Founded in 2019 by DeArchie Scott, Ambition Prep served students in grades K-1 in its founding year and today enrolls 395 kindergarten through fourth-grade scholars. Ambition Prep is a tuition-free, open-enrollment college preparatory public school that believes college begins in kindergarten.
Ambition Prep is committed to ensuring that every scholar succeeds. The school provides a structured, joyful, and rigorous environment where their scholars are able to perform their very best every day. Their model for operation is based on five principles: rigorous curriculum, teacher development, quality instruction, scholar supports, and supportive leadership. Looking to the future, Ambition Prep will be opening an upper academy that will serve fifth-eighth grades.

Patrick Edmond
School PrincipalHave a question about Ambition Prep? Looking to enroll your child? They’d love to hear from you!
School Location
5331 Clinton Boulevard
Jackson, MS 39209